The Illusionist - Montage from Roughhouse Animation on Vimeo.
It's not writers block because I have tonnes of things which I want to write about and topics for posts planned I just can't get the words out of my head, therefore I shall call it writers constipation!
I've been sitting out here for about 3 hours trying to get the juices going for an update on the last two weeks but I guess when there's no flow....erm... there's no flow!
I've decided that the best thing to do right now is just go away and come back another day when I don't feel so congested. Sigh... I can foresee irony in my future, I have a big exam this week and will probably start to feel really bloggy right before my exam, when I should be studying. Hehehe.
I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens.I can promise that there will be a Book Look this Wednesday though, I've scheduled it and everything so that'll definately be happening.
In the meantime I thought I would leave you with snippets of one of my favourite animated films called L'Illusioniste (The Illusionist). The first one is a small montage and the second one is a tongue-in-cheek scene from the film about the Brittish boy band that makes appearences throughout the film.
I've also included a short film made by Toniko Patoja in his first year of studies, called "Serenade to Miette". It may seem a little rough but I think it's nice to be able to see the animation in it's infant stages. It makes for a good reminder of how much time, effort, labour and love goes into a few minutes.
L'Illusioniste - Britoons from Roughhouse Animation on Vimeo.
Serenade to Miette from Toniko Pantoja on Vimeo.
If you would like to see more of Toniko Pantoja's work you can Click Here!!!
If you would like to learn more about L'Illusionniste you can Click Here!!!
Or you can purchase it on iTunes Here!!!
Once again Enjoy!
Maisy xxx
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